About Me

My name is JayDee and I am a Hoodoo practitioner located in Metro-Detroit Michigan. I have been practicing Hoodoo since 2006 and practicing magic since 1998 as a child and teen in New York City.  Growing up in New York, from an Italian immigrant family, I was raised learning about Italian magic and incorporating those traditions into our lives. As I grew older as a teen, I was shared more of this information, and learned other forms of magic from other community members who taught me their traditions.

I moved to Michigan and continued my vast interest in magic by learning from diverse group practices and individuals. I was introduced to Hoodoo in 2006 and instantly connected with the folk traditions that resembled what I learned in my Italian home.  Detroit is rich with African American culture and hoodoo a folk tradition, over the years I have had the opportunity to learn side by side with real practitioners in their shops, homes, and community events.

I went on to take Miss Cats Correspondence course and serve as a regular forum moderator. Areas of interest that I enjoy learning about and sharing with others are Astrology, Tarot, and different types of magic. I enjoy learning and discussing with others and sharing experiences. I particularly am interested in folk traditions around the world and relationships with nature’s spirits. Ancestor veneration is important to me because they are our Spiritual Court, who guide us in our work, and protect us, as we carry on the family lineage. 
Visit the forum at: https://forum.luckymojo.com/

Member of AIRR: the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers

The Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers (AIRR) is a gathering of professional practitioners of African American folk magic, hoodoo, conjure, and rootwork who provide psychic readings and spiritual root doctoring services to the public. AIRR promotes quality service and ethical conduct by means of accreditation and evaluation of our members. Unlike commercial online psychic reader services, AIRR is a membership-supported organization that receives no fees or kickbacks for referrals.